Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hair and Skin Care

I have never had curly hair, ever.  Well except for the one time in 5th grade when my mom decided I should get a perm that looked pretty much exactly like Kenny Powers.  It was pretty hideous.  My school photo from that year was not only an homage to this strange could-be-a-mullet-if-it-were-straightness, but to my peculiar childhood fashion sense, ripe with vests, and a pair of "The Joker" earrings that were a part of my excitement of the release of the first Batman movie.
Thanks to the humidity there are a couple of things that are brining me back to my non-desert life.
1.  My hair is never straight.  Even if I straighten it, in the morning, it is, at best, wavy.
2.  Lotion is really not necessary.
3.  I have yet to apply any lip balm
4.  I have mosquito bites.
5.  There is something lodged in my foot that is causing a big swell right about where my flip-flops hit.  I am hoping that this is a sliver or a piece of glass, but am coming to terms that it could very well be some type of jungle insect that has found a home in the wet Maryland land burrowing into my body only to lay eggs that will produce larvae that will soon reach my brain.
If you see no further posts, I have likely died from number five, or I have found my fifth grade picture and have decided to go into hiding until they are all destroyed.
I couldn't find the school pic, but this will give you an idea.  The perm has grown out a bit at this point, so just use the image above and below and morph them into one.  I also love this picture because I am so obviously disapproving of my father asking us to pose by a buffalo after many years of hearing my parents laugh at stupid people approaching animals in Yellowstone.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a goatee in 5th grade.
