Let me start by saying I don't know much about pageants or pageant life. In fact, one of my first conversations with my then neighbor, and now Miss New Mexico, was an explanation of the difference between Miss America and Miss USA. In case you aren't sure, the skinny on Miss USA and Miss New Mexico are summed up in the Qwikis below. I don't know if I have ever watched a pageant or even know the name of any Miss USA's of the past...wait, Shana Mokler, right? Anyway, I am compelled to compel you to ensure that a person of the highest quality could show the world what we should be celebrating in women and in humanity. Let's sum it up with a top-5 list of why Brittany Toll is Miss Unbelievably Sharp and Altruistic:
5. She is simply one of the best Pre-K Teachers I have ever seen in my 9 years of work in public education. If you have EVER spent more than 15 minutes with a 4-year old, let alone 20, you get it.

4. She is so down-to-earth and willing to share with anyone. You'd never think you could find her on the pages Wikipedia.
3. That girl has some energy. I have never seen her down. She will share a smile or a baked good with anyone in her path.
2. Her incredible beauty is second to her endless talents.
1. She loves many things completely and absolutely above herself: Her family, her friends, New Mexico, and giving to others.
If you think these are great traits to share with others,
click here! Your vote could put Brittany in the top 10! Check out her blog,
Happy Brittany, too!
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This is amazing!!!! You are amazing!!!!! Wow thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!